Supporting your health and wellbeing with reflexology
Reflexology for supporting clients with cancer
Reflexology can support you through your cancer journey. Being diagnosed with any illness can be upsetting and can affect us in many ways, physically and emotionally and you’ll probably going through a range of emotions and facing uncertainty. Everyday life may become a struggle due to; coming to terms with the illness, pains experienced, worries and stresses, trips to the doctors or hospital and treatments received. Everybody is completely different and copes and recovers in different ways. It is always important to know that you’re not alone.
Just to dispel a few myths, there is no evidence that reflexology can spread cancer and whilst under the guidance of your doctor or consultant mention to them that you would like reflexology treatments.
Some people who have received reflexology during their cancer journey have said reflexology has helped:
- Make them feel whole again
- Restore a sense of self
- Given them ‘me time’, escapism from daily activities
- Relax the body and mind
- Improve sleep
- Aid fatigue
- Improve quailty of life
- Help ease tension or muscle spasm caused by physical, mental or emotional tension
- Relieve feeling of nausea
- Improve circulation
- Relieve constipation
Treatment plans are based around your individual needs after an initial consultation and can be adapted for each treatment also times can be adapted you may only want a 30 minute treatment. Reflexology treatments can also be beneficial for carers and loved ones effected by cancer. For information on Cancer diagnosis and support please visit Macmillan Cancer Support.