The benefits of reflexology for men
I’m on a bit of a mission to get the word out that reflexology is a brilliant a therapy for men! You may have been to the osteopath before and might have dismissed or not even considered complementary therapies like reflexology, maybe thinking it was more of a spa treatment. Buts it’s so much more!
Don’t get me wrong, reflexology is fantastic at reducing stress and inducing deep relaxation. But reflexology can also be used for pain management such as back issues and for sports injuries.
Life these days can be a big juggling act along with life’s ebbs and flows, curveballs and unexpected life events. These can all have an impact on us both mentally and physically. Mental health and wellbeing are hot topics at the moment. We men get stressed, tired and run down and can also feel anxious, low or depressed. We just might just be slower to admit it to ourselves or not very good at talking about how we feel or maybe feel we have less access to the support of friends, relatives and the community.
Reflexology can really help men with looking after their mental health as it helps you to simply stop, get some head space, clear away your worries and strengthen your mind to focus on the everyday goals and challenges that lie ahead. Some clients use reflexology as part of their monthly maintenance & keen sportsmen incorporate it into their training regime. Check out the other complimentary therapies and treatments I offer, these can also support your wellbeing!
Still sceptical about how reflexology works?
Hopefully this has stimulated your curiosity. If so why not give it a try. What have you got to lose?
Or if you have a man in your life, a partner, friend, brother or dad who you think could benefit from some chill out time and a chance to reboot their system, why not suggest reflexology to them!