Relieve tension with this wonderful relaxing, stimulating and invigorating massage
Indian head massage, also known as champissage, is a treatment that focuses on massaging the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face using a variety of massage movements and acupressure points.This treatment can really help to calm the mind and is deeply relaxing. Working with a firm and gentle rhythm it helps to relieve muscular discomfort and tension especially for those who work at a desk or driving for long periods, as well as calming the mind and aiding relaxation, it also improves circulation in the head, enhances the senses and promotes clear thinking.
The massage begins with the upper back, where a combination of deep massage and pressure points help to relax the muscles and to loosen and melt knots. Moving through the shoulders and upper arms further releases the common spots for holding stress and tension, and then working deeply into the neck where tension accumulates. Moving up to the scalp, techniques are used that stimulate, relax and revive the whole of the head, increasing circulation and promoting healthy hair. Finally the treatment may include a gentle face massage with techniques that help circulation, skin tone, and sinus and headache problems.
The benefits of the treatment can help with:
- Reducing stress and tension
- Promoting relaxation
- Improving blood circulation
- Eliminating toxins
- Increasing mobility & flexibility in the neck and shoulders
- Scalp stimulation increasing blood circulation
- Headaches
- Sinusitis